Past Present and Future conundrum

Prakhar Bajpai
3 min readMay 10, 2021

In the midst of this grueling month, I wish to bring this piece. An exceptionally talented friend of mine, Miss Blake said something unique today. “We are mostly regretting the past and are anxious for what future beholds for us.” This statement intrigued me enough and I told her, Why not! I’ll be writing about this today.

From the first sip of morning coffee to the desert for dinner, we are engrossed with thoughts of what we did yesterday. Was it the right thing to do or there could have been a better way? We regret the bad past decisions. A bad choice of person to be in a relationship with, a bad career choice, a bitter separation. We dwell upon the thoughts of WHAT IF? Some live in nostalgia of a beautiful past, memories of friends and family. The happy hours spent with friends in college. This may give a momentary sense of calm in anxious moments or sometimes worse, it may give fear of whether or not such time will ever RETURN.

Talking of RETURN there are multiple thoughts that move around the word ‘REACHING’. Will I reach THERE!?

We millennials are ambitious and perhaps ambitious for good. We constantly try to make the next move keeping in mind the bigger goal to achieve. Questioning ourselves has become the favorite hobby. Will this be a successful business idea? Will I get a promotion this year? Will I get the dream college to attend? Will my visa be approved? Will I get my dream job? Will I be able to win over the heart of the girl or the guy? Will I be able to marry the girl or guy I love? There are so many ‘Will?’ in our life that we keep on pondering throughout the day. Sometimes in the process, we fear failing. A successful cafe idea may see a setback in COVID. A promotion and raise may get denied due to a bad economy. A low score may block admission to the dream college. Visa may be denied on grounds of religion. She or he may find someone better. And the ‘MAYs’ go on and on.

Fear of not reaching THERE starts to engulf us. Slowly, we tend to escape and eventually forget our goal. And ironically we go back to WHAT IF state of mind. Hahaha, Congratulations we have jumped on the ride of the vicious cycle of Past and Future.

Image Credit: Doug Neill


Miss Blake says that the most productive time of her day is when she is enjoying her evening tea and reading the book with nothing else in mind. And I say kudos to that. Without all this mess in mind, we will be more productive. As Bettina Benesch, a free bird and journalist, says “I’m now learning how to consciously live in the present and, when necessary, to apply the knowledge from the past that I need now, in order to take action. This means that I also have space to plan for the future.”

Perhaps now when I will be doing crunches I won’t be living the past or fearing the future.

Don’t stop making plans for the future, just don’t stop living the present.

These unprecedented times require this more than ever.

Until we meet again…

